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Math Coaches and Leaders Meeting - Common Core Standards

Math coaches and leaders meetings are a time for leaders in mathematics curriculum and instruction to learn from each other. These meetings are held regularly during the school year. There is always a time for sharing with each other about mathematics innovations in each school. This is a great time to share successes and ask questions about different initiatives. This also provides a time for the state mathematics specialists to share the most current information about state and national initiatives. In addition, there is a focus on a specific topic of interest for a part of the day (standards, testing, TESS, project-based learning, mathematical tasks....). The specific focus of the meeting is shared on an e-mail list prior to each meeting. If you are interested in being added to that list contact Tim Brister,, or Pam Allen,

Important Session Information:

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) Hours
Seats Filled:
10 / 30
Contact Person:
Tim Brister
Tim Brister
Date Time Location
4/16/2014 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Wilbur D. Mills Education Service Cooperative - Wilbur Mills Co-op - Wilbur Mills Co-op PD Center Room 3, Beebe

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