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Session Detail


Campus Administrators and the Special Education Referral Process
What You Need to Know

The primary goal of the workshop is to assist districts with building a framework for improving the quality of referrals for special education evaluations. In addition, districts will be provided with solutions to promote appropriate referrals. The workshop will include multiple presenters and various topics related to the special education referral process. Topics will include differentiation of at-risk, struggling, and suspected disability; factors contributing to increases in referrals and eligibility determination; child find and determination of eligibility for special education; special concerns such as emergent bilinguals and unfinished or attenuated learning issues.

Important Session Information:

This session will incorporate the requirements of HB 3928. Therefore, new information will be shared.

The target audience for this workshop includes: campus administrators, 504 and special education directors, school staff who are members of the campus referral process, evaluation personnel (e.g., educational diagnosticians, LSSPs, SLPs), and school personnel who are in charge of MTSS/RtI processes and programs.

Due to the interactive nature of this presentation, the only option for this training is onsite. However, lunch will be provided as this session will have a working lunch.

For content-related questions, please contact Suzanne Jones at or 936.435.8246. For registration-related questions please contact Kathy Cook at or 936.435.8295.

Self Assessment: Child Find, Teachers and Staff, Data Analysis

Dimension 1.1: Standards and Alignment, Dimension 1.2: Data and Assessment, Dimension 1.3: Knowledge of Students, Dimension 2.2: Content Knowledge and Expertise, Dimension 2.5: Monitor and Adjust, Dimension 4.3: Professional Development; Standard 1 - Instructional Leadership, Standard 5 - Strategic Operations

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) SD or CPE
ESC 6 Staff - $0.00
Contact Person:
Suzanne Jones
504 Coordinators (District and Campus), Administrators, ARD Facilitators, Assessment (Evaluation) Personnel, Bilingual/ESL Coordinators, Campus Intervention Teams (CIT), Campus Leadership Teams, Central Office Administrators, Counselors, Diagnosticians/LSSPs, Dyslexia Coordinators, Instructional Coaches, Literacy Coaches, Principals/Asst. Principals, Reading Specialists, Special Education Coordinators, Special Education Directors, Speech Language Pathologists, Teachers, All Levels, Teachers, Special Education
Date Time Location
10/24/2023 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Region 6 ESC

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