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Team Toolbox! Tips, Tools and Collaboration for Educators Supporting Students with Complex Needs
Climate, Classroom, and Connections to Increase Student Participation & Motivation

Team Toolbox is a series of webinars designed to provide teachers with resources and time to build professional connections with colleagues who work directly with students who have significant academic and functional support needs. All are welcome to join this resourceful and collaborative community!

Important Session Information:

Educators are dealing with more shut-down behaviors, defiant responses, and students more reluctant to come to school than ever before. Game-based technology, lack of social connections, and changing climate have all been attributed to the lack of school motivation, and teachers are feeling the stress. In this seminar, educators will analyze the root causes of amotivation and acquire easy-to-implement motivational strategies that will foster positive teacher/student relationships and class participation.

Dimension 1.3: Knowledge of Students, Dimension 1.4: Activities, Dimension 2.3: Communication, Dimension 2.4: Differentiation, Dimension 3.1: Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures

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Session ID:
Credits Available:
(1) SD or CPE
Contact Person:
Mydah Stoever
Administrators, Campus Intervention Teams (CIT), Paraprofessionals-Instructional, Special Education Coordinators, Teachers, All Levels, Teachers, Special Education
Date Time Location
1/21/2025 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Zoom-Online Only

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