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Session Detail


Effective Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Supporting Communication

Students with significant cognitive disabilities have needs that vary greatly from a traditional classroom in instruction, assessments, schedules, and classroom arrangement because of the emphasis on customizing learning for each individual.  

This course highlights best practices to facilitate learning for students with the most complex needs using the Texas SPED Support Rubric of Effective Practices.  Attendees will engage in reflection of their current practices and plan for program growth.  The rubric also has an administrator companion guide connecting to T-TESS dimensions which provides "look -fors" when evaluating teachers of students with complex needs.

Important Session Information:

Having a way to communicate impacts a student's overall quality of life.  Communication is needed for academics, social skills situations and for life management - including daily living, medical care, employment and more.  For students who are non-verbal or have limited language skills, finding a system that allows them to comment, describe, exclaim, question and engage in conversation enriches their participation in all daily activities.

This session will review and explore common types of social communication and discover effective strategies to implement communication systems in the classroom.

Self Assessment: IEP Implementation, Instructional Strategies

Dimension 1.1: Standards and Alignment, Dimension 1.3: Knowledge of Students, Dimension 2.1: Achieving Expectations, Dimension 2.4: Differentiation, Dimension 3.1: Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures, Dimension 4.4: School Community Involvement

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Session ID:
Credits Available:
(2) SD or CPE
Contact Person:
Mydah Stoever
Administrators, ARD Facilitators, Behavior Specialists, Instructional Coaches, Paraprofessionals-Instructional, Principals/Asst. Principals, Related Services Personnel, Teachers, All Levels, Teachers, Special Education
Date Time Location
1/30/2025 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Zoom-Online Only

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