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Individual Graduation Committee (IGC)
Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) Overview Deep Dive into IGCs

In Texas, a student who has failed the End-of-Course (EOC) assessment graduation requirements for no more than two courses may receive a Texas high school diploma if the student has qualified to graduate by means of an individual graduation committee (IGC) determination.  This session will provide an overview of eligibility requirements, scenarios, and processes related to an IGC. 

Important Session Information:

Bring your team and join us for this in-person session to learn more about the Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) process. In the morning, participants will explore the most recent guidance from TEA regarding IGC committee requirements. Additionally, participants will have access to sample handbooks, meeting forms, and tracking documents. ESC specialists will be available for the afternoon for campuses who wish to stay and work on developing or revising their processes and procedures. 
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) CEU
(3) SD or CPE
Contact Person:
Amber Hooks
Administrators, Counselors, Principals/Asst. Principals, Testing Coordinators
Date Time Location
1/14/2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Region 6 ESC

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