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Session Detail


Navigating School Nursing Practice
Health Office Roles and Provision of Education

School nursing is a specialized practice that requires a comprehensive knowledge of both the nursing and education fields. This knowledge better equips the school nurse to properly advocate for the health and safety of the student, family, and school community.

Important Session Information:

This professional learning opportunity, designed specifically for nurses transitioning to the specialty of school nursing to ensure they have the resources, information and tools to be successful in their role.

This session covers Immunization Requirements, Screening Requirements, and Medications in the School Setting.

Additional information includes required health related education, school board policy, and resources.

School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential.  Adopted by the NASN Board of Directors February 2017.

Registration ends at 12:00 PM on Monday, June 23, 2025

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) SD or CPE
Contact Person:
Lisa Sicilio
Date Time Location
6/24/2025 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Region 6 ESC

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