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Session Detail

Eureka Math Product Basics (K-5)

This session is designed to support the implementation of Eureka Math.

Important Session Information:

Whether you are new to Eureka Math or are interested in the product, this session is for you. Eureka Math doesn’t refer to lesson “planning.” Rather, they refer to the “preparation and customization” of the lesson that is already planned. This session outlines a process for understanding the instructional sequences of a Eureka Math module, which is an important part of making decisions about implementation and pacing. We will explore how the curriculum works across topics and grade levels, provide the background necessary to analyze the module in order to more effectively and efficiently prepare a lesson, outline the process for customizing a lesson to fit your daily time constraints and the unique needs of your students, and address the uses and importance of utilizing the pacing, assessments, and Read-Draw-Write process.

Dimension 1.1: Standards and Alignment, Dimension 1.2: Data and Assessment, Dimension 2.1: Achieving Expectations, Dimension 2.2: Content Knowledge and Expertise

Registration for this session has ended
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) Contact Hours
(6) GT
Seats Filled:
25 / 50
Contact Person:
Jennifer Nash
Jennifer Nash
Administrator, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Principal, Teachers, Teachers 3-5, Teachers K-2
Date Time Location
6/27/2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Region 9 ESC - Young 1 (Entrance A), Young 2 (Entrance A)
301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, 76306

Venue Type:

  • There will be a $250 per day fee for out-of-region or non Region 9 District participants. If coop membership is required, there will be a $125 per day fee for non-coop participants.

  • If you have any special needs such as accessibility, Braille, large print, or a sign language interpreter, please notify Barbara Seigler at least 2 weeks before the session at 940-397-8235, or by email at barbara.seigler@esc9.net.

301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, TX 76306

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