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Session Detail

School Bus Driver 8-Hour Re-Certification Training - Seymour - June 25, 2024

School bus driver trainings for 2023-24

Important Session Information:

To ensure full bus certification an individual must satisfactorily complete the 8-hour re-certification training every three years. This session will re-certify participants for the required 8-hour school bus re-certification. The participants’ district will be invoiced after the training event has occurred in the amount of $60. Individuals not currently employed must pay the fee in advance. LOCATION: Seymour High School, 300 Stadium Dr, Seymour, TX
Registration for this session has ended
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(8) CPE
(8) Contact Hours
Seats Filled:
14 / 35
Contact Person:
Dana Parrish
Greg Enis
Greg Enis
Bus Driver / Transportation
Date Time Location
6/25/2024 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Seymour HS, Seymour ISD
500 Stadium Dr, Seymour, 76380

Venue Type:

  • There will be a $250 per day fee for out-of-region or non Region 9 District participants. If coop membership is required, there will be a $125 per day fee for non-coop participants.

  • If you have any special needs such as accessibility, Braille, large print, or a sign language interpreter, please notify Barbara Seigler at least 2 weeks before the session at 940-397-8235, or by email at barbara.seigler@esc9.net.

301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, TX 76306

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