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Session Detail

Monthly Safety Series Zoom- Bullying and Cyberbullying-May 6, 2025- 9:00 AM

Workshops regarding school safety.

Important Session Information:

This is part 6 of the Monthly Safety Series focusing on bullying and cyberbullying laws in schools. The participants will also gain an understanding of social media trends as it relates to youth's mental health and the effects on bullying. Zoom link: https://esc9.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvdemqqz0uH9ERGju-E2hloauzXQ49q2HH

Standard 4 - School Culture, Standard 5 - Strategic Operations

Registration ends at 12:00 AM on Thursday, May 8, 2025
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) CPE
(3) Contact Hours
Seats Filled:
5 / 100
Contact Person:
Melissa Burnheimer
Melissa Burnheimer
Principal, Superintendent
Date Time Location
5/6/2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Region 9 ESC - ZOOM (NOT AT ESC)
301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, 76306

Venue Type:

  • There will be a $250 per day fee for out-of-region or non Region 9 District participants. If coop membership is required, there will be a $125 per day fee for non-coop participants.

  • If you have any special needs such as accessibility, Braille, large print, or a sign language interpreter, please notify Barbara Seigler at least 2 weeks before the session at 940-397-8235, or by email at barbara.seigler@esc9.net.

301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, TX 76306

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