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Session Detail

Food Allergies for School and Nutrition Managers & Staff

Texas Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs include the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP) and the USDA Commodity Program. These events will enhance professional development for staff involved with these programs and ensure compliance.

Important Session Information:

Food Allergies for School Nutrition Managers and Staff is an in-depth training on managing food allergies in school nutrition programs. Food allergy management personnel who take this course will create an outline of a food allergy management plan or have an opportunity to strengthen their existing plan. This course includes information about food allergies, food intolerance, reading food labels, avoiding cross contact, accommodating students with food allergies, laws regarding food allergies, and educating the school community about food allergies.
Registration ends at 12:00 AM on Saturday, February 15, 2025
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) CPE
(3) Contact Hours
Seats Filled:
4 / 25
$0.00 COOP: None
Carol Patterson
Travis Neville
Child Nutrition
Date Time Location
2/13/2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Region 9 ESC - Clay (ENTRANCE N - SAME AS OLD ENTRANCE D)
301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, 76306

Venue Type:

  • There will be a $250 per day fee for out-of-region or non Region 9 District participants. If coop membership is required, there will be a $125 per day fee for non-coop participants.

  • If you have any special needs such as accessibility, Braille, large print, or a sign language interpreter, please notify Barbara Seigler at least 2 weeks before the session at 940-397-8235, or by email at barbara.seigler@esc9.net.

301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, TX 76306

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