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Session Detail

T-TESS Training for Administrators September 3rd-5th, 2025

The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System is the recommended teacher evaluation system for the State of Texas, designed to provide support and feedback to educators in their professional development and help them grow and improve as educators. This three-day training is the prerequisite for the on-line T-TESS certification test required for all teacher appraisers.  T-TESS replaces PDAS as the state recommended appraisal system. Participants must attend all 3 days to be eligible to take the on-line certification. For participants to be eligible to evaluate teachers using TTESS, they must also have completed ILD or AEL training.  AEL (Advancing Educational Leadership) has replaced ILD and may be taken before or after TTESS training.  Beginning September 1, 2019 there will be a $125 certification fee, for all participants, to be paid to Region 9 before the end of the training.

Important Session Information:

This course has a $125 certification fee included in the training cost. Please continue to checkout to determine cost. If district is paying the training cost and/or certification fee please make arrangements with district office prior to day 1 of training and bring a check or district P.O.

Dimension 1.1: Standards and Alignment, Dimension 1.2: Data and Assessment, Dimension 1.3: Knowledge of Students, Dimension 1.4: Activities, Dimension 2.1: Achieving Expectations, Dimension 2.2: Content Knowledge and Expertise, Dimension 2.3: Communication, Dimension 2.4: Differentiation, Dimension 2.5: Monitor and Adjust, Dimension 3.1: Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures, Dimension 3.2: Managing Student Behavior, Dimension 3.3: Classroom Culture, Dimension 4.1: Professional Demeanor and Ethics, Dimension 4.2: Goal Setting, Dimension 4.3: Professional Development, Dimension 4.4: School Community Involvement; Standard 1 - Instructional Leadership, Standard 2 - Human Capital, Standard 3 - Executive Leadership, Standard 4 - School Culture

Registration ends at 12:00 AM on Sunday, September 7, 2025
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(24) CPE
(24) Contact Hours
Seats Filled:
0 / 25
$875.00 COOP: Professional Development
Contact Person:
Angie Betts
Lori Apple
Angie Betts
Lori Apple
Administrator, Assistant Principal, Assistant Superintendent, Principal, Special Ed Director, Superintendent
Date Time Location
9/3/2025 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Region 9 ESC - Knox (Entrance A)
301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, 76306
9/4/2025 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Region 9 ESC - Knox (Entrance A)
301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, 76306
9/5/2025 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Region 9 ESC - Knox (Entrance A)
301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, 76306

Venue Type:

  • There will be a $250 per day fee for out-of-region or non Region 9 District participants. If coop membership is required, there will be a $125 per day fee for non-coop participants.

  • If you have any special needs such as accessibility, Braille, large print, or a sign language interpreter, please notify Barbara Seigler at least 2 weeks before the session at 940-397-8235, or by email at barbara.seigler@esc9.net.

301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, TX 76306

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