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ARESC-Attendance Works

In partnership with ADE, the Arkansas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (AR-GLR), Attendance Works, and the Education Renewal Zones have developed a series of professional development opportunities for district and school administrators, teachers, and other personnel. This guide is designed to help facilitate a one day professional development workshop for teams of administrators and personnel from schools around the state.

The objectives of the workshop are to:

Enhance their understanding of chronic absence,

Highlight the correlation between attendance and school wide goals,

Understand the philosophy and functionality of the attendance team,

Examine a multi-tiered approach to addressing chronic absences, and

Use chronic absence data to determine attendance goals and interventions.

Important Session Information:

It is recommended a team of 3-5 members attend the training to work collaboratively to begin a strategic plan to support Chronic Absenteeism in your building.

Bring at least one laptop for your team and directions will be sent on how to down-load the needed data from E-School prior to the workshop to bring with you.

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) Hours
Seats Filled:
12 / 30
Contact Person:
Michael Walker
Tracie Jones (UAM)
Staff, Asst. Principals, Counselors, Principals, School Nurse
Date Time Location
10/29/2018 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Arkansas River Education Service Cooperative - Arkansas River ESC - Literacy Lab

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