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ARESC-LEADS for District Level Leaders: Rubric Updates and Professional Growth Goals

This training is for individuals who evaluate other leaders in LEADS. Attendees will review the updated Principal, Assistant Principal, and Administrator Other rubrics. We will discover how the Educator Effectiveness System can be used to gather quality evidence and provide ratings and feedback. Additionally, we will discuss how to ensure professional growth plan reflect needed growth. The 2-hour training will be following by a one-hour work session for those needing assistance with scheduling activities or assignments in the evaluation platform.

Important Session Information:

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) Hours
Seats Filled:
18 / 28
Contact Person:
Michael Walker
Lenett Thrasher
Date Time Location
9/13/2023 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM Arkansas River Education Service Cooperative - Arkansas River ESC - Rising Star(Conference Room 6)

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