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Catalog: Session Detail
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AFESC-Write on command? Yes they can!

Can our students succeed on the ATLAS writing exam without our help? Maybe. Some might succeed. But will they all try? Or even most of them? The test is not high stakes; students try harder if the results impact them in some way. Because we don’t have that variable working in our favor, we have to approach teaching writing in a different way. Another hurdle in teaching writing is many students (and even adults) don’t believe they can write. They view writing like they view art. One either has the talent or one doesn’t. We have to show students that ALL of them have the ability to be talented and sophisticated writers. Writing on Command teaches students specific techniques that make their writing shine. Writing on Command starts with the narrative. The techniques that enhance narrative writing are noticeable (even glaring), so once students master the techniques and read what they’ve written, they are impressed. Join this workshop to see how you can transform your apprehensive writers into eager writers. We will focus on learning the techniques that enhance all genres as well as the techniques that are genre specific. You will leave the workshop with a stronger understanding of what makes writing great and how to transform your students into writers.

This session will address instructional strategies most appropriate for the following levels of instruction:

Tier 1

Important Session Information:

Current educators in Arch Ford PD Consortium districts may attend the session for free.  All others will be required to pay the session fee on the day of the session.  Arch Ford educators receive priority for seats in a session.
Registration ends at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) Hours
Seats Filled:
53 / 100
Contact Person:
Dr. Julie Workman
Sarah Stratton
3-5, 6-8, 9-10
Date Time Location
7/10/2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative - Hargis Training Center - AFESC Hargis Building

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