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SCSC-Early Number Sense Screener & Interventions

Number sense is a key indicator of future math success. Let’s explore a quick and reliable way to screen early numerical competencies in Grades K-2 and identify students at risk for later math struggles. The NSS screens children on six key competencies related to number sense: counting skills, number recognition, number comparisons, nonverbal calculations, story problems, and number combinations. The NSS can help educators gain the information they need such as: catch at-risk students early, predict later achievement, start planning effective interventions, monitor progress, and meet national and state standards.

TESS components addressed include: 1A, 1E, 1F

Important Session Information:

For member districts of the SCSC Professional Development Consortium the fee has been waived. Districts that have not paid for nurses and/or paraprofessionals will pay the listed fee. In the event of cancellation, registrants will be notified by email (address tied to escWorks). Participants are not allowed to bring guests (such as children or spouses) to any training.
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) Hours
Seats Filled:
12 / 30
Contact Person:
Heather Rain
K-12, Instructional Leaders, Instructional Facilitators, Curriculum Coordinators
Date Time Location
6/19/2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM South Central Service Cooperative - _Main Building - Classroom 2

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