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DSC RTI in Science: Getting the Most Out of Your Small Groups

Every teacher wants to guarantee a viable curriculum for each & every student. The success rests on how to address “What do you do when a student doesn’t learn their essential standard” AND “What do you do when a student has already learned their essential standard?” Templates from the Taking Action: A Handbook for RTI at Work text and Simplifying the Journey will give structure to action plans. We will compare some different supports and then create some samples after sharing examples. This workshop will be led by a bilingual Middle/High School Science teacher, an English Learner State Specialists with Elementary experience and a Science Specialist with a Gifted Certification. There will be an opportunity for sharing what works and how to adapt best practices to your situation. Find ways to work smarter & not harder for RTI success.

Important Session Information:

There is a $50 workshop registration fee for non-consortium schools’ participants. Please remit payment to Dawson Education Cooperative, 711 Clinton Street, Arkadelphia, AR 71923. For more information on this workshop, please contact Susan Allison at
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) Hours
Seats Filled:
18 / 25
Contact Person:
Susan Allison
Susan Allison
Rose Pope
Jhomary Rodriguez
Date Time Location
6/5/2024 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Dawson Education Service Cooperative - Dawson ESC Administration - Dawson Meeting Room - Building #5

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