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Catalog: Session Detail
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GREC - HQIM Communities of Practice: CKLA

On Day One, teachers and Instructional Leaders will deeply familiarize  themselves with the CKLA curriculum.  One Day Two, teachers and Instructional Leaders will work through unit and/or lesson internalization of the CKLA curriculum.  Additionally, Kids First will walk through standards alignment with participants.

Districts will have the opportunity to continue this work with instructional leaders and lead teachers through pacing and planning work.


NOTE: Participant parking, unless handicapped, is in the large lot at the bottom of the stairs.  Please be sure to park in the participant lot, not the small employee lot located between the Cooperative buildings.

Important Session Information:

KIDS FIRST will be the instructors for this session.
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(12) Hours
Seats Filled:
5 / 20
Contact Person:
To Be Announced
Instructional Leaders, Instructional Facilitators, Curriculum Coordinators, Teachers
Date Time Location
6/12/2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Great Rivers Cooperative - GREC Coop - Instructional # 1
6/13/2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Great Rivers Cooperative - GREC Coop - Instructional # 1

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