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ARESC-Arkansas STAR Academy Bootcamp - Day 2

2-Day Conference for all teachers, principals, and counselors of STAR Academies in the state of Arkansas to engage in dynamic discussions, gain valuable insights, and forge meaningful connections with colleagues from around the state of Arkansas. Participants will explore innovative strategies, share best practices, and collaborate to empower their students and communities.

Important Session Information:

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(8) Hours
Seats Filled:
50 / 100
Contact Person:
Michael Walker
Celeste Alexander
7-8, 9, Administrators, Asst. Principals, Counselors, Instructional Leaders
Date Time Location
6/17/2024 7:30 AM - 4:45 PM Arkansas River Education Service Cooperative - Arkansas River ESC - Free Bridge(Literacy Lab)

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