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WDMESC: Assistant Superintendent/Curriculum Coordinators Job Alike

The Assistant Superintendent and Curriculum Coordinators in the Wilbur Mills region will meet monthly. In the meetings the group will share implementation of school/district plans, programs, initiatives, and what's working. There will be time for questions and collaboration. The Teacher Center Coordinator will share information to keep the education leaders up to date with hot topics, the impact of rule/legislative changes, and other pertinent information.

Important Session Information:

Children will not be allowed in professional development sessions facilitated at the Wilbur D. Mills Education Service Cooperative or in the building where the sessions are located. Attendees with children will be asked to leave.
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(5) Hours
Seats Filled:
16 / 36
Contact Person:
Lesa Grooms
Lesa Grooms
Administrators, Instructional Facilitators, Curriculum Coordinators
Date Time Location
11/15/2024 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM Wilbur D. Mills Education Service Cooperative - Wilbur Mills Co-op - Wilbur Mills Co-op PD Center Room 1, 110 E Illinois St Beebe

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