Tuesday 10/1/2024 Launch_K5 Computer Science - Day 1 Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E Join us for a transformative 3-day interactive workshop (Required: 2 days in pe...
Title I Schoolwide Program Elements: CNAs, CIPs, and Evaluation of Effectiveness Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 This workshop will support Title I-A campuses as campuses conduct Comprehensive...
Understanding Section 504 and Addressing Student's Needs Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A A look into the new regulations or proposed regulations for Section 504, as wel...
CTE - Program Evaluation Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 CTE Program Evaluation provides essential knowledge for CTE leaders to expand t...
Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Other Maltreatment of Children Online Course, Video Conference The 86 th Legislature mandates 1 hour of the above
titled training for all sch...
Wednesday 10/2/2024 Launch_K5 Computer Science - Grades K-2 Day 2 Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E The second day of the Launch_K5 Computer Science training for Kindergarten, 1st...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 9 This session provides a general overview of the unique needs of emergent biling...
ASCENDER Charter School Waitlist Online Course, Video Conference This workshop will train users on using the ASCENDER SIS to use as a charter sc...
Thursday 10/3/2024 Youth Mental Health First Aid Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8 hour public education program which i...
ECSE 101: Constructing Your Program for Success Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm C This training is designed to build a foundation for all first year ECSE (PPCD) ...
ASCENDER Student Portal Online Course, Video Conference This workshop will train users on using the student portal to help students get...
Friday 10/4/2024 Dyslexia Literacy Conference Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm ABCD Come join us for a day of information and support for anyone affected by dyslex...
Tuesday 10/8/2024 Private Non-Profit: Providing Equitable Services Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 In this session, LEAs will learn how to comply with ESSA's requirements to prov...
GT Leaders' Meeting Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E GT updates discussed.
Reading By Design : A Dyslexia Intervention Program Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 9 Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dysle...
Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Other Maltreatment of Children Online Course, Video Conference The 86 th Legislature mandates 1 hour of the above
titled training for all sch...
Wednesday 10/9/2024 Superintendents' Session Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm ABCD Superintendents' Session
Essentials for Transition Planning Online Course, Video Conference This session will address transition-related topics. This training will give e...
Technology Advisory Committee Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 EDLINK18 Technology Advisory Committee for Region 18 Technology Directors and ...
PY 25 The Administrative Review (AR) Process for CACFP Online Course, Video Conference This course is designed to assist personnel responsible for managing the operat...
EDLINK18 Meeting Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 EDLINK18 Technology Consortium
Thursday 10/10/2024 PY 25 Meal Production Records for Child and Adult Centers and At-Risk Afterschool Program and Emergency Shelters (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Supper) Online Course, Video Conference This class teaches Contracting Entities (CEs) basic Meal Production Record (MPR...
Friday 10/11/2024 Speech Sound Disorders Online Course, Video Conference Join Kelly Vess, MA, CCC-SLP, for this full-day, jam-packed speech sound disord...
Monday 10/14/2024 School Safety and Safety Plans for Students with Special Needs Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A Protecting our special needs students in time of crisis is not always as quick ...
Bus Driver Training - 20 Hour Stanton ISD, Stanton ISD Bus Driver Training - 20 Hour
Tuesday 10/15/2024 GT 30-Hour Training Day 4: Creative and Critical Thinking Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E In this session, participants will explore the elements of creative and critica...
Leaver Tracking Online Course, Video Conference This workshop will review TEA's requirements on tracking students who leave a d...
Curriculum Council Meeting Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD Curriculum Council Meeting
Wednesday 10/16/2024 Beginning Teacher Academy Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm AB The Beginning Teacher 3 Day Academy includes the following topics:
Becoming ...
Title IV Program Requirements and Use of Funds Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 If your LEA runs a Title IV Program, this workshop is for you! Topics include ...
What You Don't Know About Fall PEIMS Can Hurt You Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 Take a closer look at your Fall PEIMS submission and how it can impact your acc...
Reporting Disclosed and Suspected Child Abuse Online Course, Video Conference "Signs and symptoms of all forms of child abuse are discussed, including neglec...
Thursday 10/17/2024 Developing and Using an MTSS Problem-Solving Team - Leadership Module Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A Overloaded with committees and teams that seem to overlap causing extra work? ...
TSDS Fall PEIMS Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD This workshop will review TSDS Fall PEIMS reporting. This will include current...
Friday 10/18/2024 ESC - SLP Webinar Series 2: Stories Fuel our World: Literacy-based Considerations to Ethically Fuel Assessment and Intervention Online Course, Webinar Centering the power of stories to ethically conduct culturally responsive asses...
Monday 10/21/2024 Lunch with Lawyers - Eichelbaum, Wardell, Hansen, Powell and Mehl Law Firm Online Course, Video Conference Lunch with Lawyers sessions, which are offered by the Eichelbaum, Wardell, Han...
Opioids Use Signs, Symptoms and Overdose: Online Course, Video Conference This presentation provides information about youth opioid use, the signs and sy...
Bus Driver Training - 20 Hour Greenwood ISD, Greenwood ISD Distance Learning Center Bus Driver Training - 20 Hour
Tuesday 10/22/2024 Permian Basin Foster Care Consortium Region 18 ESC, Theater The PBFCC is an opportunity for groups such as CPS staff, child placing agencie...
CTE Directors' Meeting Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E CTE Directors Meetings are designed to offer district CTE leaders with opportun...
ASCENDER Fall PEIMS Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 This workshop will go over how to review and update data in ASCENDER to prepare...
TExES Bilingual Supplemental 164 Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 The Bilingual Education Supplemental #164 test prep will help prepare educators...
CTE SSA Meeting Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E CTE SSA Updates on Perkins V
Wednesday 10/23/2024 McKinney-Vento Homeless: Identification Indicators Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A This session will provide participants with terminology, proper identifiers, an...
*District Testing Coordinator (DTC) Training TOT Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD An information and training session on the highlights of the state mandated tes...
Vex Robots : Integrating the Grades K-2 Tech Apps Standards Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 9 Join us for an interactive 2-day workshop designed to empower educators with th...
Title II Program Requirements and Use of Funds Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A If your LEA runs a Title II Program, this workshop is for you! Topics include ...
Thursday 10/24/2024 CPI (Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention) Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm AB This full day workshop will teach participants
how to identify the different c...
CTE - Data-Driven Decision Making Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E Using a CTE lens while maintaining relevance to the overall success of students...
TSDS Fall PEIMS Alpine ISD, Alpine M.S. This workshop will review TSDS Fall PEIMS reporting. This will include current...
Tuesday 10/29/2024 GT 30-Hour Training Day 5: Adding Depth & Complexity and TPSP Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E In this session, participants will look at Depth and Complexity through the len...
Basic Vision Certification Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 Participants will become certified to use vision eye charts for vision screenin...
*District Testing Coordinator (DTC) Training TOT Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD An information and training session on the highlights of the state mandated tes...
Show Me the Money Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm AB This presentation will show you the importance of checking Attendance Reports, ...
Essentials for Transition Planning Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 This session will address transition-related topics. This training will give e...
Wednesday 10/30/2024 Basic Hearing Certification Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 Participants will become certified to use the audiometer for hearing screening....
A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm C Development process of the PLAAFP, goals/objectives, and progress monitoring me...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia: Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia focuses on the universal scree...
Thursday 10/31/2024 Hearing/Vision Recertification Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 Participants will become recertified to use the audiometer for hearing screenin...
Building Thinking Classrooms Toolkits 3 & 4 Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A Teachers often find it difficult to implement lessons that help students go bey...
The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs Online Course, Video Conference This session will help you align your comprehensive school counseling program w...