Monday 2/3/2025 Understanding Section 504 and Addressing Student's Needs Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A A look into the new regulations or proposed regulations for Section 504, as wel...
Reading By Design : A Dyslexia Intervention Program Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dysle...
CTE - Culinary, Where Everything's Better! H-E-B, H-E-B Join us for a hands-on learning tour of H-E-B's Culinary departments. Attendee...
Tuesday 2/4/2025 CTE - CTE Resources Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 9 The CTE Resources module provides an overview of many key components of CTE
Wednesday 2/5/2025 Beginning Teacher Academy Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD The Beginning Teacher 3 Day Academy includes the following topics:
Becoming ...
Psychological First Aid for Schools Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) is an evidence-informed approach fo...
PY 25 - WBSCM Ordering Lab Region 18 ESC, Theater Participants will enter their commodity processing and direct delivery requisit...
TSDS PEIMS Workday Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm B Join us for a dedicated in-person workday focused on your PEIMS Submission. Our...
Thursday 2/6/2025 CTE - Counselors - Informed and Ongoing CTE Advising for Middle School and High School Counselors Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E This training provides school counselors with strategies for supporting individ...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 2 Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 Texas Dyslexia Academy 2: The Dyslexia Handbook is the second of six training o...
A-F Accountability Domain III - Closing The Gaps Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD Learn how to evaluate your Domain 3 accountability data and prepare for changes...
Friday 2/7/2025 iLead Transformation Table Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD Transformation Leadership is an innovative approach that utilizes Transformatio...
Monday 2/10/2025 CPI (Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention) Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD This full day workshop will teach participants
how to identify the different c...
Title II Program Requirements and Use of Funds Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 If your LEA runs a Title II Program, this workshop is for you! Topics include ...
TExES ESL 154 Test Prep Training Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm B "Participants will gain knowledge about ESL methodology, legal issues, and lear...
Youth and Substance Use Online Course, Video Conference This presentation provides information specific to Youth and Substance Use and ...
Tuesday 2/11/2025 GT 30-Hour Training Day 3: Differentiated Instruction Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E In this session, participants will learn about how to differentiate content, pr...
Vex Robots : Integrating the Grades K-2 Tech Apps Standards Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 Join us for an interactive 2-day workshop designed to empower educators with th...
Staff Training Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 Staff training
Wednesday 2/12/2025 Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training for Teachers Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm CD The focus of this session is developing present levels of academic achievement ...
The Rubric of Effective Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm A This session will cover 5 modules supported by the TxCan Network. They include:...
ASCENDER Elementary Scheduling Online Course, Video Conference This workshop will discuss using the elementary schema scheduling functionality...
Stronger Connections Grant/TCSS Roadshow Culberson County-Allamoore ISD, Van Horn HS This in-person meeting with the Texas Center for Student Supports (TCSS) will g...
Thursday 2/13/2025 TASI Webinar Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E Spring 2025 STAAR Refresher. Attend this virtual TASI with other District or Ca...
ASCENDER Secondary Scheduling Workshop Online Course, Video Conference This workshop will be covering scheduling using the secondary schema in ASCENDE...
Friday 2/14/2025 ESC - SLP Webinar Series 6: Designing Effective & Ethical Evaluation for Students Who Speak Languages in Addition to English Online Course, Webinar This session will cover strategies for collecting and interpreting data when ev...
PY 25 Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (ISNLP) Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 This training program is intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program...
Universal Design for Learning - Day #2 Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 9 Day 2: Representation
Day two explores the Representation principle, which f...
Tuesday 2/18/2025 Critical Incident Stress Management Region 18 ESC, Theater This session is specifically intended for 1st Responders of Crisis situations. ...
PY 25 NSLP Financial Coding and Financial Reporting Requirements Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 This course will assist child nutrition and business official staff to understa...
Lunch with Lawyers - Eichelbaum, Wardell, Hansen, Powell and Mehl Law Firm Online Course, Video Conference Lunch with Lawyers sessions, which are offered by the Eichelbaum, Wardell, Han...
Wednesday 2/19/2025 PY 25 CACFP Participant Eligibility & Enrollment Online Course, Video Conference This course will cover handbook sections 4200 and 4310: participant eligibility...
ASCENDER Business Budget and Next Year Payroll Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 This workshop will go over the budget process in ASCENDER along with how to use...
Superintendents' Session Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm ABCD Superintendents' Session
Bully Prevention & Intervention Online Course, Video Conference This workshop will provide concrete strategies for Bully Prevention and Interve...
Thursday 2/20/2025 Purposeful Practice: TEKS-Based, STAAR Review Activities for Mathematics Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 9 How might we purposefully and effectively review important mathematics concepts...
RLA STAAR Review Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm AB The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) test was redesign...
Project TAPP Day 2 Online Course, Video Conference Project TAPP-Teaching, Autism, and Practitioner Preparation. This is a two day ...
PY 25 CEP Operating & Understanding CEP and Is It Right for Me Online Course, Video Conference Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the CEP, originating fro...
Purposeful Practice: TEKS-Based, STAAR Review Activities for Mathematics Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 9 How might we purposefully and effectively review important mathematics concepts...
RLA STAAR Review Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm AB The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) test was redesign...
Monday 2/24/2025 Counselor Symposium Region 18 ESC, Cafe18 (Catering Only) It will include sessions and discussions that include, but are not limited to: ...
Tuesday 2/25/2025 GT 30-Hour Training Day 4: Creative and Critical Thinking Region 18 ESC, Admin 4 (Library) In this session, participants will explore the elements of creative and critica...
K-12 Statewide STEM Leader Training Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm C This immersive professional development workshop prepares campus administrators...
Purposeful Practice: TEKS-Based, STAAR Review Activities for Mathematics Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm D How might we purposefully and effectively review important mathematics concepts...
Youth Mental Health First Aid Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 Youth Mental Health First Aid is an 8 hour evidence-based, nationally recognize...
CTE Directors' Meeting Region 18 ESC, Theater CTE Directors Meetings are designed to offer district CTE leaders with opportun...
CTE SSA Meeting Region 18 ESC, Theater CTE SSA Updates on Perkins V
Wednesday 2/26/2025 Science: 8th Grade STAAR Review Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E Are you looking for more ways to review for the 8th Grade STAAR? Come explore a...
5th Grade STAAR Review - Science Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm C Are you looking for more ways to review for the 5th Grade STAAR - Science? Come...
Purposeful Practice: TEKS-Based, STAAR Review Activities for Mathematics Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 10 How might we purposefully and effectively review important mathematics concepts...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Foundations Region 18 ESC, Technology Classroom 9 Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Dyslexia Foundations is the first of six training opp...
Purposeful Practice: TEKS-Based, STAAR Review Activities for Mathematics Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm D How might we purposefully and effectively review important mathematics concepts...
Thursday 2/27/2025 Biology EOC Review Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm C Are you looking for more ways to review for the Biology EOC? Come explore a var...
Purposeful Practice: TEKS-Based, STAAR Review Activities for Mathematics Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm D How might we purposefully and effectively review important mathematics concepts...
8th Grade U.S. History STAAR Review Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 Getting ready for the U.S. History STAAR assessment? Join us as we explore the ...
CTE - Supporting CTE Teachers Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm E Supporting CTE Teachers provides an overview of strategies used in the recruitm...
Purposeful Practice: TEKS-Based, STAAR Review Activities for Mathematics Region 18 ESC, Conf Rm D How might we purposefully and effectively review important mathematics concepts...
U.S. History STAAR Review Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 Getting ready for the U.S. History STAAR assessment? Join us as we explore the ...
Friday 2/28/2025 PY 25 Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (ISNLP) Region 18 ESC, InfoSys 1 This training program is intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program...