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Special Education - PD
Unlocking Potential: Behavior Skills Training

Special Education PD is open to educators of all roles serving the diverse needs of all students, unless otherwise specified in workshop description.

Important Session Information:

Behavior Skills Training is an evidence-based strategy that can be applied to teach new skills through a combination of instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback. Behavioral Skills Training (BST) is a systematic and evidence-based instructional approach designed to teach individuals specific skills or modify existing behaviors. This training method is widely employed across various fields, including education, healthcare, workplace settings, and social services. The primary goal of BST is to enhance the acquisition, retention, and application of targeted skills through a structured and sequential process.
 Understand the basics of behavior skills training.
 Use reinforcement and modeling effectively to shape behavior.
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) CPE Provider #235-950
(6) Contact Hours
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Justin Morton
Justin Morton
Date Time Location
6/5/2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM UHV - North Multipurpose (A & B)

1905 Leary Lane Victoria, TX 77901
Phone: 361.573.0731
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