The focus of this session is to learn more about the Standards-Based IEP Process. The primary focus of the training is on the full and individual evaluation (FIE), present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) development and writing goals and objectives.
Participants will understand the importance of these components and how their alignment results in a well-developed program for students with disabilities.
The intended audience for this training is special education evaluation personnel, including licensed specialists in school psychology (LSSPs), educational diagnosticians, speech language pathologists (SLPs) and others who are responsible for evaluating a student and writing the report.
This training was created by the Child Find, Evaluation, and ARD Support Statewide Technical Assistance Network in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency with state and federal grants.
As a result of this session, the participant will be able to:
1. Identify key concepts of the standards-based approach.
2. Identify the difference between accommodations and modifications.
3. Define the full and individual evaluation (FIE) essential elements and the purpose of impact and needs statements.
4. Define essential elements of the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) and how that connects with an FIE.
5. Derive measurable annual goals drafted from the student's PLAAFP.
6. Ensure alignment of the process through data collection and progress monitoring.