Monday 2/3/2025 Show and Tell with Amplify (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Palo Duro
Show & Tell with Carnegie (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lonestar Room
The Power of Play in Early Childhood ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - C
WBSCM | USDA Foods Ordering Lab ESC 16 - Bell Street, Alibates
WBSCM | USDA Foods Ordering Lab via Zoom ESC 16 - Bell Street, Alibates This...
Tuesday 2/4/2025 Show & Tell with Carnegie (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lonestar Room
Show and Tell with Eureka (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Golden Spread
CTE Administrator Training - K12 CCR Program Planning and Design ESC 16 - Bell Street, High Plains
Planning and designing a Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Pro...
STAAR Social Studies Supplemental Aids ESC 16 - Bell Street, Palo Duro Doesn't every student get to use supplemental aids on the STAAR? Join us for th...
K/1 Math Academy (Spring 2025) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A
Participants will examine the Kindergarten and Grade 1 TEKS based on learnin...
February WIGO ESC 16 - Bell Street, Online via Zoom Wednesday 2/5/2025 TExES 154 ESL Supplemental Exam Virtual Review Course - February Session ESC 16 - Bell Street, Online via Zoom This virtual session will include general information about the TExES 154 ESL S...
Show and Tell with Amplify (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Red River
Show & Tell with Carnegie (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A
Schoolwide Program Plans/Campus Improvement Plans (CIP) Online (virtual), Online Training for LEAs and Title I Schoolwide Campuses on the elements of a Schoolwi...
Beyond Buttons: Promoting Engagement with Switch Access in the Classroom ESC 16 - Bell Street, High Plains
Local Education Agency (LEA) Program Plan Training for Districts Receiving Title I, Part A Funds Online (virtual), Online Participants will receive training on the requirements for the LEA Program Plan...
Thursday 2/6/2025 Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program - Session 3 ESC 16 - Bell Street, Red River This training program is intended for new and aspiring school nutrition pr...
Show and Tell with Eureka (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Palo Duro
ASCENDER Scheduling: Three Scheduling Options for Building NY Master Schedule ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lonestar Room
Classroom Management 101 ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - C Effective and consistent classroom management skills are essential for every te...
Liberty and Justice For All: Planning Your 5th Six-Weeks in High School US History ESC 16 - Bell Street, High Plains Liberty And Justice For All is a professional development series for High ...
Friday 2/7/2025 Show & Tell with Carnegie (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Alibates
Counselor Celebration Conference 2025 ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lecture Hall
Come and join us for a day of celebrating ...
C of C Subcommittee ESC 16 - Bell Street, Golden Spread C of C Subcommittee
Texas Technology Access Program and AAC Lunch & Learn Online (virtual), Online via Zoom
Monday 2/10/2025 2024-25 STAAR Accessibility Updates - Virtual Online (virtual), Online via Zoom This half-day training via Zoom will review the TEA updates regarding accessibi...
Show and Tell with Amplify (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lonestar Room
Getting Ready for Reading By Design - Introduction to Volume 0 ESC 16 - Bell Street, Alibates This class is part of a series of Reading by Design® intervention trainings...
WBSCM | USDA Foods Ordering Lab ESC 16 - Bell Street, Red River
Tuesday 2/11/2025 ESC 19 Regional Cluster Meeting Region 19, Region 19
Transform your communication and strengthen your family partnerships.
Show and Tell with Eureka (24-25) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A
Wednesday 2/12/2025 Panhandle School Leaders Association ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A Quarterly meeting for area administrators.
PAPT (Panhandle Association for Pupil Transportation) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Red River PAPT is a voluntary association for school transportation directors, school bus...
TASA Study Group ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lecture Hall Monthly meeting with Region 16 Superintendents
Federal Programs Network (FPN) Meeting ESC 16 - Bell Street, Online via Zoom This meeting will offer Region 16 district contacts the opportunity to network,...
P-16 Management Board ESC 16 - Bell Street, Palo Duro P-16 Management Board
TASA Mentor/Mentee Roundtable Mtg ESC 16 - Bell Street, Golden Spread TASA Mentor/Mentee Roundtable Meeting
Thursday 2/13/2025 i3 (Information, Ideas, Inspiration) for Title III/BL/ESL Coordinators - February Virtual Meeting ESC 16 - Bell Street, Online via Zoom These virtual monthly meetings are designed to provide updates to coordinators ...
WTFSC Commodity Processing Meeting ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lecture Hall
Strengthening Literacy Support for Paraprofessionals: Building Confidence Through Hands-On Practice (Grades 1-8) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Palo Duro
This session is designed to help paraprofessionals gain confidence and profi...
WBSCM | USDA Foods Ordering Lab ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lecture Hall
Friday 2/14/2025 Designing Effective & Ethical Evaluation for Students Who Speak Languages in Addition to English ESC 16 - Bell Street, Online via Zoom
This session will cover strategies for collecting and interpreting data when...
Tech Conference ESC 16 - Bell Street, Alibates
Monday 2/17/2025 Wedgie Women, Toy Story, Airplanes, Elevators & More! Restricted Interests as Motivators Online Course, The link will be emailed to you after you register. Restricted interests are common for students with ASD. Lots of educators are us...
Tuesday 2/18/2025 First Time Campus Administrator's Academy ESC 16 - Bell Street, Palo Duro First Time Campus Administrators Academy provides a structured, systemic induct...
Wait! Supplemental Aids in the 6-Algebra Math Classroom? Planning appropriate supports for STAAR 6th grade math - Algebra 1 ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lonestar Room Supplemental aids are intended for students who are approved to use them based ...
Ignite the Galaxy: RLA STAAR Review Adventure (EOC I & II) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A Prep...
Region 16 Cluster Meeting 2024-2025 Other, Other Region 16 Cluster Meeting 2024-2025
Wednesday 2/19/2025 STAAR ALT 2 Success: Your Complete Guide ESC 16 - Bell Street, Palo Duro
Ask the Experts for Special Education Evaluators Online (virtual), Online
For Educational Diagnosticians, Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (L...
CTE and CCMR Showcase ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A
Join us for a celebration of the remarkable achievements of our Region 16 ES...
Counselor Power Hour - Virtual (ZOOM) Online (virtual), Online - ZOOM REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ACCESS SESSION Counselor Power Hour is an opportunity to share local and regional community re...
Seeing the World in a Grain of Sand: Switching Scales to Teach Social Studies ESC 16 - Bell Street, Alibates To teach social studies, sometimes we are like dogs, our noses buried in the sm...
Texas Dyslexia Academy (TDA) 5: Screening for Dyslexia ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lecture Hall
ASCENDER Business - Monthly 411 Webinar (Zoom) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Online via Zoom TEA Deputy Commissioner Chat ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A Alejandro Delgado will be in Panhandle A/B at Region 16 on February 19th, 10:00...
Perfecting Your Preview Window ESC 16 - Bell Street, Palo Duro This session is a must for teachers new to administering SA2 and/or veteran tea...
Texas Dyslexia Academy (TDA) 6: Dysgraphia ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lecture Hall
Monthly TSDS Upgrade Project Zooms ( 3rd Wednesday of the month, Spring 2025) ESC 16 - Bell Street, Online via Zoom
Friday 2/21/2025 Texas Instruments Leadership Summit-Creating Pathways for Student Success ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A
Join us for a high-level discussion about navigating the shifts in Texas edu...
Monday 2/24/2025 ADHD, Executive Function & Behavioral Challenges in the Classroom ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A
Presenter Cindy Goldrich will give teachers, guidance counselors, and school...
Tuesday 2/25/2025 ESC 17 Regional Cluster Meeting Region 17, Region 17
Transform your communication and strengthen your family partnerships.
Psychological First Aid for Schools-SSSSC ESC 16 - Bell Street, Lonestar Room Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed intervention strategy for...
Transition Fair 2025 ESC 16 - Bell Street, Panhandle Conference Center - A
CEP + CEP Report Lab ESC 16 - Bell Street, High Plains
Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the CEP, origina...
Engage, Empower, and Elevate: Transforming Middle School Math Classrooms ESC 16 - Bell Street, Coronado Lab