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Trainings: Session Detail

2024-25 STAAR Accessibility Updates - Virtual

This half-day training via Zoom will review the TEA updates regarding accessibility features, designated supports, and designated supports requiring TEA approval for the upcoming administration of 2024-2025 STAAR.

Important Workshop Information:

Zoom Link: https://esc16.zoom.us/j/98927515835
Registration for this workshop has ended

Workshop ID:
Credits Available:
(3) CPE
ESC Contact(s):
Heidi Brewer
Registration Contact(s):
Sandra Mendoza
Shelley Rodgers
Heidi Brewer
Seats Filled:
4 / 50
Date Time Location
1/16/2025 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Online via Zoom

Region 16 Education Service Center | 5800 Bell Street | Amarillo, TX 79109-6230
Phone: 806-677-5000 | Fax: 806-677-5001

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