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Trainings: Session Detail

Secondary Counselor PLC

Join us for a collaborative session to explore innovative strategies and best practices for supporting secondary students. This PLC will provide a platform for sharing insights, receive updates on CTE and College and Career Readiness, Social-Emotional Learning ideas, Safety Updates, and Professional Development Opportunities. Participants will be equipped with practical tools and strategies to enhance their counseling practice and empower students to reach their full potential. This PLC is aimed towards Secondary Counselors. (Junior High and High School)

Important Workshop Information:

This session is virtual for counselors for grades 7-12. 
Registration for this workshop has ended

Workshop ID:
Credits Available:
(1.5) CPE
ESC Contact(s):
Anne Marie Wartes
Registration Contact(s):
Sandra Mendoza
Shelley Rodgers
Anne Marie Wartes
Chris Fant
Megan Wade
Seats Filled:
0 / 100
Date Time Location
1/27/2025 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Online - ZOOM REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ACCESS SESSION. Registration link is included in the confirmation email.

Region 16 Education Service Center | 5800 Bell Street | Amarillo, TX 79109-6230
Phone: 806-677-5000 | Fax: 806-677-5001

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