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Trainings: Session Detail

Deep Diving into Dyslexia: From Screening to Intervention {using Tests of Dyslexia (TOD)}

Drowning in completing a dyslexia evaluation within the FIE? There is often confusion about the exact components of identifying dyslexia in a reading evaluation. During this session, participants will decipher the key components of the Texas Dyslexia Handbook to increase their awareness of critical components to include for dyslexia evaluations in Texas. Participants will learn how to administer the Tests of Dyslexia (TOD), which is the first comprehensive assessment of dyslexia, eliminating the need to pull tests from different assessments. From a screener to rating scales to a direct assessment to the Dyslexia Interventions and Recommendations Companion Guide, the TOD helps examiners connect data to develop IEPs and targeted intervention plans to address specific skill weaknesses. This session is appropriate for reading specialists, educational diagnosticians, school psychologists, and speech–language pathologists.

Important Workshop Information:

This session will be through Zoom and provided by Ashley Arnold.

There will be an option to attend the Zoom session with others at the Region 16 Bell Street location or you may join from your location. 

Registration for this workshop has ended

Workshop ID:
Credits Available:
(3) CPE
ESC Contact(s):
Kristi Tucker
Registration Contact(s):
Sandra Mendoza
Shelley Rodgers
Ashley Arnold
Seats Filled:
35 / 40
Date Time Location
7/10/2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM ESC 16 - Bell Street - Alibates
5800 Bell Street, Amarillo, 79109
ESC 16 - Bell Street - Alibates, Online - ZOOM REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ACCESS SESSION. Registration link is included in the confirmation email.

Region 16 Education Service Center | 5800 Bell Street | Amarillo, TX 79109-6230
Phone: 806-677-5000 | Fax: 806-677-5001

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