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Trainings: Session Detail

ASCENDER Online Registration

Two Day Training

Day 1: This course details instructions on how to setup and manage Online Registration in the Admin Pages of the ASCENDER ParentPortal. This includes steps necessary to setup the various types of forms used in New Student Enrollment, Returning Student Registration, and Student Data Maintenance. Day 1 is intended for Campus and District Staff responsible for planning and implementing Online Registration. 

Day 2: This training includes steps parents take to complete New Student Enrollment, Returning Student Registration, and Student Data Maintenance. Also includes steps the campus staff take to review and accept completed during the Online Registration process. Day 2 is intended for Campus Staff that have registration responsibilities. District staff members with access to ParentPortal admin are encouraged to attend as well. A portion of the afternoon will be designated as a working session and district specific question and answer time. 

Important Workshop Information:

Attendees will need to bring their own device. 
Registration ends at 12:00 AM on Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Workshop ID:
Credits Available:
(12) CPE
ESC Contact(s):
Emily Mayer
Registration Contact(s):
Emily Mayer
Sandra Mendoza
Shelley Rodgers
Coleman Kendall
Seats Filled:
31 / 35
Date Time Location
2/26/2025 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM ESC 16 - Bell Street - Lonestar Room
5800 Bell Street, Amarillo, 79109
2/27/2025 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM ESC 16 - Bell Street - Lonestar Room
5800 Bell Street, Amarillo, 79109

Region 16 Education Service Center | 5800 Bell Street | Amarillo, TX 79109-6230
Phone: 806-677-5000 | Fax: 806-677-5001

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