Strategies to Support Children with Autism at Home (Online Series) 1829016 - 09/18/2024 Virtual PD Join this parent series to learn strategies that support positive behaviors at home. Each session in...
Lunch and Learn: Strategies to Support Students with Autism at School 1829018 - 01/30/2025 Virtual PD Join this series to hear experts in the field share their favorite tips and strategies that support ...
Unlicensed Diabetes Care Assistantt (UDCA) Training 1891768 - 02/13/2025 Virtual PD House Bill (HB) 984 (79th Legislature) requires designated school personnel to be trained on diabete...
Let's Talk: A Language Adventure 1855851 - 02/19/2025 Virtual PD Embark on a fun-filled journey to discover effective strategies for fostering language development i...
Heartsaver CPR/AED Certification for non-medical staff 1883694 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR, AED, and First Aid is a certification course for lay resp...
CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training-Foundation Initial Blended Course 1835217 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Training is a safe, nonharmful behavior management system design...
Math Small Group Activity Make and Take 1832622 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development In this session participants will explore different small group math activities that can be implemen...
Using Literacy Connections to Develop Mathematical Concepts in Early Childhood 1856015 - 03/03/2025 Virtual PD Spark curiosity and wonder in your classroom by using books, songs, and finger plays to bring litera...
Special Education Basics for ECSE Paraprofessionals 1835582 - 03/04/2025 Virtual PD Paraprofessionals will gain general knowledge in the area of special education and qualifying disabi...
CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training-Refresher Blended Course 1839498 - 03/07/2025 Professional Development Attend this refresher training to review program techniques, clarify questions on program informatio...
Calm in the Classroom: Strategies for De-escalating Student Behavior 1881205 - 03/17/2025 Professional Development Description:
This interactive professional development session is designed for K-12 educators seeki...
Title III: Bilingual/ESL Instructional Essentials for Paraprofessionals 101 1886001 - 03/18/2025 Professional Development This session will provide participants with the opportunity to explore state program resources along...
Title III: Second Language Acquisition Essentials for Paraprofessionals 101 1886020 - 03/19/2025 Professional Development Participants will take a deep dive into the components of second language acquisition, including an ...
Ensuring Positive and Productive Classrooms 1881957 - 03/20/2025 Professional Development Although it can seem challenging, teachers play the primary role in creating an environment that is ...
Region 4 RDSPD Program Review 1889147 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development To meet the requirements of TEC §29.313, TEA has developed a RDSPD program review process. Thi...
Migrant Identification & Recruitment: Annual Update for Project Funded Districts (Online) 1840114 - 04/03/2025 Virtual PD Participants will acquire the necessary knowledge and
updates for Identification and Recruitment in...
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in the Early Childhood Special Education Classroom 1880993 - 05/27/2025 Professional Development Join us for an engaging three-day professional development session designed to enhance your understa...
Access to the General Curriculum (AGC) Conference 1832769 - 06/10/2025 Professional Development Join education professionals for this exciting annual conference as we explore evidence-based practi...
CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training-Refresher Blended Course 1839500 - 06/13/2025 Professional Development Attend this refresher training to review program techniques, clarify questions on program informatio...
Paraprofessional: Roles and Responsibilities in the Inclusive Classroom 1855902 - 06/18/2025 Virtual PD In this session, participants explore the roles and responsibilities of paraprofessionals in the inc...
Early Childhood Special Education Inclusion Conference for Preschoolers and Kindergartners with Disabilities 1601743 - 07/08/2025 Professional Development This multi-day conference is designed to support teachers who are working with young children with d...
Conscious Discipline in the Early Childhood Classroom 1881059 - 07/15/2025 Professional Development
Day 1: Introduction to Conscious Discipline and the School Family
In this one-day introductory t...
Signing Exact English (SEE) Skillshop 1820002 - 07/22/2025 Professional Development This week-long workshop for adult learners is designed to meet the needs of beginning as well as adv...